
Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Meeting


Last night was the first meeting for my new book club. It was a great meeting! There were 4 of us there last night but 3 or 4 more women will be joining still, they just couldn't make it last night. For the first hour and a half all we did was chat, laugh, drink and eating some yummy food! I had a blast just catching up with all of these girls I know but they didn't really know each other. This club is going to be so fun; there are a lot of fun energetic personalities involved! Talking and keeping conversation going will NOT be a problem. I think the problem may be to stay on topic about the books!

Here is a picture from the first night!

So we discussed all of the "guidelines" of how to make the book club function. We decided to be pretty relax about all of it and go with the flow. Each month we can decide the future month's guidelines and if changes need to happen, so be it.

We all brought a couple book suggestions with a little summary of the book and why we were interested in the book. We had some great book ideas! We decided we are going to make like a "queue" of books and revisit them each other. We can add or take off certain books but at least we will always have a pool of great books to pull from.

Our first book choice is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

Unbroken is a true story that takes place during WWII. It has 5 stars on Amazon and a ton of wonderful reviews. I ordered my book last night and I am so excited to start reading!

I am just so eager to see all of these girls (and more of them) at the next meeting in June! It's a perfect combination : women, wine, food, laughter, good books and A LOT of talking!

Love you all! xoxo

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Wow! It has been too long since I last blogged. So here are the updates I promised I would keep you all in the loop about:
  • I did start my first book club!! The first meeting is tomorrow evening and I am super excited to mingle and see some friends! (I'll do a follow-up post about it)
  • I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This one I am so pumped about! (I'll explain later in the post)
Life has been so exciting, relaxing and fun since I have been "unemployed." I would say that these past 2-ish weeks have been the best weeks since Luke and I have been married. This time off as allowed me to really recenter myself. I just keep reflecting on these weeks asking myself: "I can't believe I seriously quit my job!".... "Meghan, what were you thinking??"....  "This is the BEST decision I have ever made!!" .... "Luke, can I please NEVER work again?" [okay, that one I know is unrealistic ;)!] I have been able to let go of all those negative feelings, concerns, and just thoughts holding me down that I believe stemmed from working in a job that I hated. Luke can see how much lighter, happier and more joyful I am.

I am so thankful that in a crazy, risky time that God has completely provided in all ways. Financially, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for me. This time off is EXACTLY what I needed to get back to who I am. His faithfulness has shown through every aspect of our lives, decisions, and feeling I have felt in the last few weeks.

I am SO ready to have the energy and desire to hang out with friends and cultivate relationships. That is where the book club came in. Tomorrow night a group of women will be at my place to help decide how to make a great book club work! There will be drinks and appetizers, talking and laughing, discussions and decisions being made. I will be sure to post about our first meeting later this week!

Okay, so the biggest of the updates is that I got a job!!! I cannot even begin to explain how much of a relief and joy it has been to know I got a job!! And by job, I really do mean and believe a new career. After all of the emotions of my previous job, I am so ready to believe in my new position. So here is the short story:
I contacted a friend who used to work at the same place I had up here to let her know I was putting in my 2 weeks. She let me know "it is brighter on the other side." Let's just  say we both had the same feelings about our old work. ha. She gave me a job lead, it is where she currently is working just in a different city. So, I applied and got my first phone interview! After that I progressed to the face to face interview in their building downtown! (Side note: I am so giddy about having a big girl job down in the city!!) I interviewed with three different women and I fell in love with all of them and all of the possibilities and opportunities. I again passed that process and came back in for computer testing. Kicked the computers butt, of course! Again, I had a chance to talk more and  reconnect after the first main interview. My excitement only grew after spending more time in the office and with the people. I was told I would get a call the next day by mid-morning to let me know if I got the job or not. So I sat staring at my phone, diving deeper and deeper into anxiety as I waited for the phone call. I didn't get a call until 3:30 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! I was a mental case by that point. Here is what took place in the phone call:
 Meghan, I wanted to let you know that we gave the position to someone else...(heartbreak on my end)...BUT we have another opportunity we wanted to speak with you about...(okay....I'm confused)...We liked you so much in your interviews (yay!) that we would like to offer you a position we weren't originally opening until late July just so we can make sure you don't lose a great candidate!
 I was told the details and to think about it over the weekend. Come up with any more questions or concerns and call back Monday. I had a weird flood of I didn't get a job...but I got a job?? I was so confused until I talked to some family and friends and was able to grasp the concept. I called on Monday, asked my questions, and made it official!! I HAVE A JOB!! I start next week and couldn't be more excited!!!
 Okay, I am sorry but that ended up being a long story AND I cut out a lot of the conversation. I think I am a little long winded with story telling. I apologize. So anyway, life can be crazy and so uncertain but I have the learned that if I just trust and believe, it will all work out for the best.

I love you all!! xoxo

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apartment Tour!

Hey all! I finally took some newer pictures of our first place! Our apartment is a one bedroom place with a decently open floor plan. On the older side but it works for what we need right now!

This is on the wall between the entry hallway and the kitchen. This was probably the best purchase Luke and I made when we first moved in. It holds a lot of our glasses and the cloth containers hold our kitchen linens and our tupperware!

I love this little area. Its right in between our kitchen table and our TV stand. Sammie's basket of "My Stuff" always is over following but is a great place to store his things.
Our kitchen table! My mother actually bought this from a garage sale when I was in college and I love it! I think one of my future projects will be to maybe restain the wood and redo the seat cushions.

Our kitchen! The nicest thing about this kitchen is that it is completely open to the living room. No wall or cabinets blocking our view.

Another view and directly to the right of the coffee maker is our little counter that is open to the living room.

Our crammed but cozy little living room. This slipcover is nicer on the eyes than what is actually under it but it is a pain in the butt to keep on! BUT! for all of you out there who might need a place to stay the night, it doubles as a twin bed!

This is one of the wedding presents we got; the set of shelves and boxes. We hung this up the weekend we moved here in September and let me tell you...I have never seen Luke so mad in his life! It was hard not to laugh ;)! I am slowly but steady trying to find cute little things to make the look unique.

A view onto our patio. I really like that this big window/door allows a ton of light into the apartment. It has the slat blinds though and Sammie would LOVE to start at the left end of them and walk behind them making AS MUCH noise as possible!! We decided for our sanity...we needed drapes! Ikea is where we found them!

I believe this is a relationship saver! Two sinks!! What a blessing it has been for a one bedroom apartment to have two sinks AND a separate place to shower and do your business! You all know what I mean.

Okay, I know I said earlier that the little cube unit we have might have been our best purchase since we moved but I am reconsidering now. My friend Jessica and I found this whole set at a thrift store down around 21st and Glisan I believe. When we walked in and I saw it, I thought there had to have been a mistake or I was losing my mind. What a NORMAL and NICE set of bedroom furniture. I bought it then and there. Real Oak wood and everything. All we did was change the nobs and BAM! Beautiful bedroom set for under $200.00!

The dresser that goes with the bedroom set! I occupy all of it, of course. That TV we bought a few months ago but we are going to eventually hang it on the wall so that our beautiful mirror isn't hidden.

One more view of the bedroom. Those pictures Luke framed for me for Christmas. I got them 3 years ago in Paris and I was so bummed because they got crushed during the travels. I was so excited when I found someone who could steam out the creases! 

So there you go! I left out a few little things due to it being very cluttered or not super exciting; the desk and the entryway. I am always wanting to improve and change things up. Although, I am learning to just be happy with what we have because I can't deny we are blessed with all of the beautiful and nice things we have already acquired in such a short time! I think we may end up painting our room though. If we are still going to be here for almost a year; we should make it a little more homey!


Friday, May 13, 2011

The Beginning of My Goals

The last post I wrote included 5 goals I want to accomplish. I never gave those goals a time frame but I think I have settled on within a year to start all of them. So here is the beginning...

Start a Book Club.

The funny thing is, I have no idea how to start a book club. So first things first...research on how to start a book club! I have found forums and different online articles on the best ways to form and cultivate a book club. One of the websites had a great starter plan so that is what I am going to use as my reference.

1. Start with a few core people. Find friends who would like to start a book club with you. Maybe about 2 or 3 people. Then, from those people they invite a friend or two and eventually you come out to around 8 to 11 people give or take.

2. Schedule a regular meeting time. Typically once a month. Stick to it and those who can make it to the book club, can, those you can't, can't. That way, people will decide if they can make the commitment or not right from the start.

3. Now, word of mouth is essential to grow the book club. This step is necessary because the club will vary in members due to life; moving, new commitments, time conflicts, ect ect.

4. Establish ground rules. Get together with the core members or the whole group during the first meeting. Decide how to rotate hosts, how to decide on books, who is going to lead discussions, so forth and so on.

5. Time to meet! So actually start the meetings. Set up a few structured meetings the first couple months to kind the groove of the group. If it starts out small, don't stress. That is where step 6 comes in.

6. Keep the invitations coming. Invite people and let the group naturally grow as it will. It will be an ebb and flow.

So here it is! I am ready. I feel confident I can find some great friends and books through this experience. Anyone who is interested in joining the my new book club, let me know! I am open to ideas and thoughts on how to start a book club. Or, if you have ever been one, sharing of experiences would be very helpful!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Found Sense of Freedom

Ever since I put my two weeks in at work, I have felt so free.

My whole life has basically been planned out for me. Grow up, graudate high school, graduate college and get a job. I have accomplished all of those things now even though my "get a job" path hasn't been what I have wanted it to be. I feel like it is the first time in my whole life that I (well actually "we" as in Luke and I...almost forgot the hubby ;)! ) get to truly decide what I (we) want my (our) life to be. I think that sentence was a bit confusing. Sorry! :)

These past 9 months with this job, I have felt so contained, restricted and stuck. I have had no sense of individuality, personal freedom or joy. But now....I believe I can do anything! Cheesy, I know. With this new sense of freedom, I have been letting my mind, heart and soul go WiLd!! I am letting myself recognize wants and desires I have had in me for a long time but have just kept muted in fear that I wouldn't ever be able to have the freedom to pursue them; conflict of time, energy and/or fear of failure have been my roadblocks.

Finally, I am ready to bring them out in the light and pray that I keep up my motivation to accomplish some of them!

Here are a few:

1. Learn to play the piano or at least take lessons.
2. Take cooking classes or go through a cookbook trying new recipes.
3. Join or start a book club.
4. Become a better saver (my parents know what I mean!)
5. Learn to enjoy each day for what it is and be more flexible with my time.

So, here is the challenge. I need encouragement to accomplish these things. I know it has to come from me and I have to encourage and motivate myself but I can't deny that outside support really helps! So, I give people permission to annoy me, ask me, and tell me to keep up with my goals! And, if anyone wants to join me in some of these things, I would love the company!

I will keep you all updated and let you know my progress!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sometimes You Just Gotta Take A Risk

I am not a risky person. I like plans. I like seeing a path. I like "knowing" what my day will look like even if my plan is to relax. I like knowing that I am going to relax.

Well...I just took a big risk this week. I decided to put my 2 weeks in at work before I have another job! Talk about risky! My job provides the benefits for our family right now and a full time paycheck (even though it is miniscule). I just got to the point where I realized that sometimes the risk is worth the uncertainty. I was NOT happy about where I was working and what I was doing. The only saving grace of this job is that I love my coworkers! My friendships and relationships I have developed in the past 9 months at work are the only things that kept me there. When I would wake up not wanting to go to work (basically every day) I would remind myself I get to hang out with some friends! That is how I had to mentally think about work.

Regardless of the great friendships I have made at work, it hit me this week that those relationships won't make me the type of "happy" I want and need. I have to make myself happy and find out what motivates and drives me. At some point you can't put your future only in friendships and hope that they will get you through the tough days. I needed to break free from this job. I needed to know that something better is out there! When I think about it, if I am spending most of my time at work, I better like what I am doing.

So I did it! And I am SO at peace about this decision. Luke and I talked about it and discussed all the risks and realized at this point my mental health and happiness was worth the risk. Knowing I have support in such a crazy idea for us right now means the world. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Now the hard part begins. The job hunt. I have been looking for the past couple of months slowly but now IT. IS. ON. I need and want a great job! I have a few interviews set up for this upcoming week and I pray that one of them is a winner!

I will keep you all updated on my job hunt and let you know what changes happen! Keep me in your prayers!
