
Saturday, June 18, 2011


It is a love hate relationship. Money can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It is crazy how a piece of paper can better your life or ruin your life. Just think about everything paper can its, notes, pamphlets, tickets, cards...most things you just throw away or hopefully recycle. Yet, there is one kind of paper that makes the world spin. Money. No matter the currency, the world listens and reacts so urgently when money is involved.

Of all things that have challenged me in life, especially in this past year, money has been my most annoying opponent. I believe the hardest thing about money is finding a balance between understanding its' important but not letting it rule your life. There is such an emotional connection to money. A loud stigma to those who have it and those who don't.

I really want to understand money and why and how it affects people in the way it does. Why is it that whenever I spend money, regardless of whether what I am buying is a need or a want, I feel guilty? Shouldn't one feel validated in buying something that a family needs or in being able to spend money on something someone really wants? I definitely have come to realize that money is a blessing and a curse.

As I keep trying to get my head around the idea that a piece of paper influences my life so strongly, I question this: Does everyone struggle with money regardless of how much or how little they have? Is there really anyway to beat the money fight?

All I know is that the more and more I view money as a way to better my life and the life of my family, I choose to stay positive. And by saying that money can make my life better, that doesn't mean so I can buy all the material things in the world (of course that would be nice) but because I get that money is so vital to survive. If I can handle money wisely, I would love to be so generous with it. I would love to be able to give to charity freely and allow others the opportunity to do things that they may not be able to do without certain funds and finances.

From day one, I have been blessed in life. I have never had to worry about not having food on the table, or clothes to wear to school. I have been able to see some of world and travel and buy things because I wanted them not just because I needed them. I don't think it was until I got married and became financially independent that I truly understood how blessed I have been. I am so grateful for all the hard work that my parents did so I could have amazing opportunities in life. All I wish and hope for is someday I can provide those same opportunities to my family and friends.

I am finding patience in money. It really has taught me to live day by day and not be only focused on the future and what I want. There is a sharp truth in today, in reality. The more I can look reality in the face and accept it, I can learn to appreciate it and love it. In the end, I can't take money and possessions with me when I die, so I pray that I can use them wisely while I am alive to bless myself, family, friends, and others.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Week of Work

I just finished my first week of work! It was only a 3 day week for me which was very nice. My first day consisted of a lot of orientations. Two other girls started their first day when I did so we went through all of our meetings together. One of the cool things my work does is makes each new administrative employee have a "buddy". The buddy is just someone specifically meant to check in on you and make sure things are going okay. It is someone to go to if you have any questions or concerns. It is honestly very nice to know that I have someone who will help me with no hesitation (even though no one would have a problem pitching in). For lunch on my first day, me and the other 2 girls were taken out by our buddies to this great place downtown, Dragonfish. It was so nice to be "taken care of" at work. I felt very appreciated already in my first day!

On Thursday (second day) I was able to get a bit more settled into my "cube". I actually am in a big 4 person cube instead of just a singular cube. At first I didn't know how I felt about it but now I feel blessed to be with 3 other people. I think I would feel secluded if I was in my own. I am able to ask questions, talk and make new friends and relationships WAY easier in the 4 person cubical. The main activity I did on Thursday was file, file, file, file, file, send mail, file, file, file, file. Oh man! So much filing!!!!! It is a great way to become familiar with the firm and the companies we work with. I really feel like a professional now, I have my own computer! My own e-mail! My own business phone! I know it seems silly but I LOVE IT!

Friday, the sun came out and I was pumped!! My building is right downtown in Pioneer Square and we have some of the best views in the city. I tried to get a few pictures of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens and was somewhat successful but only had my iPhone. I just tried to upload them but they were tiny! Next week, I'll bring my camera and get some good ones! Anyway, for lunch Luke met me downtown before he went to work (very convenient) and we ate at Typhoon! It was so nice to walk around downtown and eat some super yummy food. As for what I did Friday...file, file, file, send mail, file, file. Very much the same!! I did have a meeting to learn how to work on financial statements. So hopefully this next week, I will be able to take on more responsibilities.

All and all, I am really enjoying my new job, hopefully my new career. The company I am working for is a great company and I feel super blessed to have this opportunity.


PS. I just got my new book for the book club and it is really good so far! Very excited!!