I am so happy that we made the decision to move back to Oregon. We have the opportunity to really start over and figure out what we want to do. Job wise. Location wise. Life wise. It is such a blessing, and I am so grateful.
I am overwhelmed.
This freedom is a little daunting. It's as though I have too many options and opportunities.
We really get to decide what we want our life to be focused on moving forward. We have an almost blank slate. My dilemma is...where do we start? Or better yet, where the heck do I start? How do I know that the next decision will be the best one or the right one for me? I seriously have no path right now. Some days it feels like I am standing in the middle of an intersection and this little voice in my head is saying "go this way" and then there is another little voice saying "no, go this way" and this continues on and on. I am probably starting to sound crazy and truthfully, I am going a little crazy.
One day, I want to become a runner.
Next day, I want to start an intense work out plan and eat super healthy.
Another day, I want to reinvent this blog.
The following day, I want to just enjoy life and drink wine.
Will these days ever roll into one day and provide one clear direction?
Maybe, I can take inspiration from each possible direction and then balance out all the extremes?
And everything above is purely concerning my overall happiness and life. It doesn't even begin to concern my work life or career goals. I have yet to figure those out and they are even more stressful than just how I spend my time now.
Feel free to give me any ideas of how to find my way through this vastness right now! :)
i feel ya sister!