
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sometimes You Just Gotta Take A Risk

I am not a risky person. I like plans. I like seeing a path. I like "knowing" what my day will look like even if my plan is to relax. I like knowing that I am going to relax.

Well...I just took a big risk this week. I decided to put my 2 weeks in at work before I have another job! Talk about risky! My job provides the benefits for our family right now and a full time paycheck (even though it is miniscule). I just got to the point where I realized that sometimes the risk is worth the uncertainty. I was NOT happy about where I was working and what I was doing. The only saving grace of this job is that I love my coworkers! My friendships and relationships I have developed in the past 9 months at work are the only things that kept me there. When I would wake up not wanting to go to work (basically every day) I would remind myself I get to hang out with some friends! That is how I had to mentally think about work.

Regardless of the great friendships I have made at work, it hit me this week that those relationships won't make me the type of "happy" I want and need. I have to make myself happy and find out what motivates and drives me. At some point you can't put your future only in friendships and hope that they will get you through the tough days. I needed to break free from this job. I needed to know that something better is out there! When I think about it, if I am spending most of my time at work, I better like what I am doing.

So I did it! And I am SO at peace about this decision. Luke and I talked about it and discussed all the risks and realized at this point my mental health and happiness was worth the risk. Knowing I have support in such a crazy idea for us right now means the world. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Now the hard part begins. The job hunt. I have been looking for the past couple of months slowly but now IT. IS. ON. I need and want a great job! I have a few interviews set up for this upcoming week and I pray that one of them is a winner!

I will keep you all updated on my job hunt and let you know what changes happen! Keep me in your prayers!


1 comment:

  1. I totally admire you for your decision and can say that even if it was for a short time isn't it nice that while you feel you my have gotten off path from what your heart desires that at least God did give you some good friendships from it. Hope that we keep in touch megho! I have totally enjoyed our talks and laughs, and even grossing out our other coworkers hehehe! Great now I'm gonna have to get a better cell phone for fb when they shut off Internet! LOL
    Who knows what life will bring... But one things for sure God is always good!
