
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Wow! It has been too long since I last blogged. So here are the updates I promised I would keep you all in the loop about:
  • I did start my first book club!! The first meeting is tomorrow evening and I am super excited to mingle and see some friends! (I'll do a follow-up post about it)
  • I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This one I am so pumped about! (I'll explain later in the post)
Life has been so exciting, relaxing and fun since I have been "unemployed." I would say that these past 2-ish weeks have been the best weeks since Luke and I have been married. This time off as allowed me to really recenter myself. I just keep reflecting on these weeks asking myself: "I can't believe I seriously quit my job!".... "Meghan, what were you thinking??"....  "This is the BEST decision I have ever made!!" .... "Luke, can I please NEVER work again?" [okay, that one I know is unrealistic ;)!] I have been able to let go of all those negative feelings, concerns, and just thoughts holding me down that I believe stemmed from working in a job that I hated. Luke can see how much lighter, happier and more joyful I am.

I am so thankful that in a crazy, risky time that God has completely provided in all ways. Financially, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for me. This time off is EXACTLY what I needed to get back to who I am. His faithfulness has shown through every aspect of our lives, decisions, and feeling I have felt in the last few weeks.

I am SO ready to have the energy and desire to hang out with friends and cultivate relationships. That is where the book club came in. Tomorrow night a group of women will be at my place to help decide how to make a great book club work! There will be drinks and appetizers, talking and laughing, discussions and decisions being made. I will be sure to post about our first meeting later this week!

Okay, so the biggest of the updates is that I got a job!!! I cannot even begin to explain how much of a relief and joy it has been to know I got a job!! And by job, I really do mean and believe a new career. After all of the emotions of my previous job, I am so ready to believe in my new position. So here is the short story:
I contacted a friend who used to work at the same place I had up here to let her know I was putting in my 2 weeks. She let me know "it is brighter on the other side." Let's just  say we both had the same feelings about our old work. ha. She gave me a job lead, it is where she currently is working just in a different city. So, I applied and got my first phone interview! After that I progressed to the face to face interview in their building downtown! (Side note: I am so giddy about having a big girl job down in the city!!) I interviewed with three different women and I fell in love with all of them and all of the possibilities and opportunities. I again passed that process and came back in for computer testing. Kicked the computers butt, of course! Again, I had a chance to talk more and  reconnect after the first main interview. My excitement only grew after spending more time in the office and with the people. I was told I would get a call the next day by mid-morning to let me know if I got the job or not. So I sat staring at my phone, diving deeper and deeper into anxiety as I waited for the phone call. I didn't get a call until 3:30 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! I was a mental case by that point. Here is what took place in the phone call:
 Meghan, I wanted to let you know that we gave the position to someone else...(heartbreak on my end)...BUT we have another opportunity we wanted to speak with you about...(okay....I'm confused)...We liked you so much in your interviews (yay!) that we would like to offer you a position we weren't originally opening until late July just so we can make sure you don't lose a great candidate!
 I was told the details and to think about it over the weekend. Come up with any more questions or concerns and call back Monday. I had a weird flood of I didn't get a job...but I got a job?? I was so confused until I talked to some family and friends and was able to grasp the concept. I called on Monday, asked my questions, and made it official!! I HAVE A JOB!! I start next week and couldn't be more excited!!!
 Okay, I am sorry but that ended up being a long story AND I cut out a lot of the conversation. I think I am a little long winded with story telling. I apologize. So anyway, life can be crazy and so uncertain but I have the learned that if I just trust and believe, it will all work out for the best.

I love you all!! xoxo


  1. Hey! I saw you comment on Maryanne's blog! How's it going? Hope all is well and congrats on the new job. That is very exciting.

  2. Side note: We can IM at work :)
